Most phishing attacks involve hiding malicious hyperlinks hidden behind enticing ad images or false-front URLs. Whatever the strategy is, phishing almost always relies on users clicking a link before checking where it really leads. But even the most cautious users may get caught up in the most recent scam. Take a look at our advice […]
The phishing craze that’s blindsiding users
Why you need to back up your mobile devices
There was a time when mobile phones were used exclusively for calling and texting. Now, they can do so much more. Regardless of your level of tolerance or skill for managing documents in such a small gadget, mobile devices allow you to send and receive email, download and upload media files, store data, and even […]
Benefits of social media policy reviews
Does your business have a social media policy? If so, when was the last time you updated it? If you’re taking too long to answer these questions, that isn’t a good sign. Because you should be conducting regular reviews, at least annually. You’d enjoy innumerable benefits, and deter your employees from obsessing over Snapchat filters […]
Is the government really spying on you?
Wikileaks, the website that anonymously publishes leaked information, recently released a number of documents alleging widespread surveillance by the US government. The released documents claim that the vast majority of these efforts took place via smartphones, messaging apps and…TVs? Let’s see just how worrisome they really are. What devices and apps are supposedly vulnerable? Wikileaks […]
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